8:36 AM
RAWALPINDI: Five rockets were let go from the Afghan side towards the Pak-Afghan Gate at Angoor Adda, South Wazirastan, on Sunday evening. 

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in an official statement said that the rockets arrived close to the Pak-Afghan Gate inside the Pakistani region. Pakistan likewise let go in the heading from where the rockets were let go. No death toll or property was accounted for. 

Wajid Ali Syed includes from Washington: Pakistan Army's boss representative Lt Gen Asim Salim Bajwa said on Sunday that Pakistan had told the United States before that amid the Operation Zarb-e-Azb terrorists would escape to Afghanistan, adding that Kabul expected to accomplish more to make the operation against terrorists a win. 

Identifying with media delegates presently before Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif was required to arrive for a five-day visit, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) executive general said Pakistan had cautioned that the Operation Zarb-e-Azb could push the aggressors over the outskirt who could escape into Afghanistan. 

"The strengths in Afghanistan ought to have worked with Pakistan to make a move against such activists. Zarb-e-Azb has picked up victories however it needs bolster from Afghanistan." 

He said the Afghanistan government was gathering in charge of this, since they didn't make a move. 

Be that as it may, the ISPR boss said now as opposed to debating what turned out badly previously, we ought to look forward and concentrate on the most proficient method to manage terrorists all the more successfully and with joint participation. 

Talking about Gen Raheel's visit, he said the COAS on his visit will examine the circumstance in the locale other than respective military-to-military relations and also provincial security and soundness. 

He elucidated that provincial security incorporated the circumstance on the eastern outskirts of Pakistan too. "That should be settled for the extending steadiness in the area." 

Gen Bajwa elucidated reports in the media about the welcome to General Raheel for the US visit."The Washington visit was arranged in July and was a piece of a military administration trade program. The welcome originated from the US military administration," Bajwa said. 

The armed force boss will burn through five days in the US and will likewise go to Ivory Coast to go through a day with the Pakistani troops. General Raheel will likewise visit Brazil for three days. 

INP includes: Meanwhile, talking at a question and answer session, Afghan president's representative Zafar Hashmi has said that if Pakistan needs to end up a companion of Afghanistan, she needs to dispense with the terrorist bunches on its dirt that have been pursuing a war against Kabul. 

He said if Pakistan needs to demonstrate its dependability to Afghanistan, its PM ought to follow up on his motto of "an adversary of Afghanistan is foe of Pakistan". He said his legislature will act against all the Taliban and IS terrorists.